Free Law Firm Logo Generator

Create a modern law logo online in no time for FREE

Attorney law banner design

How To Create A Law Firm Logo In 3 Steps

Select Logo Design

Find a law logo design or style that represents your industry and start designing your own law company logo for branding on stationery, website or flyers without any additional design skills.

Make Your Changes

Change and customize the fonts, colors, symbols or typography with our law firm logo maker in minutes to create an eye-catching design that represents your business.

Download Files

Finalize the law brand logo once you are satisfied with the results and download the files to begin using the symbol or wordmark on any type of promotional material.

Law Firm Logo Design Tips

Law Logo Icons

For a professional law firm logo design, you need to choose the icons or symbols very carefully. Do your research on the shapes, imagery and objects that are used commonly in the industry. Take a look at what other law businesses are doing with their branding and get inspiration from law logo examples.

It is a good idea to choose icons such as a logo with pillar, scale or lady of justice which highlight your business and industry clearly. If you are looking for something more specific and closer to your niche, go with law symbols that tell your audience about your expertise. For example, a family law firm can choose figures of two people on opposite sides, two separate rings or a broken heart.

You can also opt for symbols like scales of justice logo, lettermarks, lady of justice, laurel wreath, pillar of law book for your law company logo. Combine it with a wordmark or add in geometric shapes to create a unique brand design that represents your law business services closely. Explore a few ideas given below for your legal attorney logo:

  • Immigration Lawyer Logo
  • Personal Injury Logo
  • Real Estate Lawyer Logo
  • Tax Attorney Logo
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Law Firm Logo Typography

The font and typeface you pick for your company name or slogan needs to reflect its values and send out a strong message. Explore the various typefaces with our law firm logo generator and look for something that brings all the elements together.

For a modern law firm logo design or website logo, you can go with Sans Serif fonts that showcase clarity and minimalism. This can make your business more approachable and add to the appeal of the design. Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica, Open Sans, Vilane and Innovate can work very well in law firm brand logos.

With clear and simple typography, it becomes easier to scale the design and draw attention to the name on flyers, brochures or stationery. So when you are designing a logo for law firm’s business cards , make sure that you go with a font style that is easy to read and understand in any size or format.

If you want to highlight tradition and stability in your design, you can also choose Serif fonts like Baskerville, Georgia and Times New Roman that bring out a feeling of confidence and trust in people.

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Law Firm Logo Colors

Before picking a color scheme for your brand logo for your law firm, you need to consider quite a few factors. Think about what you want people to know when they see the text, imagery or icons. Color psychology is very important in logo design as you can communicate with the audience and make a good impression on them by choosing the right ones.

You can browse through different options and try out combinations such as blue and white, black and red or green and blue. Simply use the tool when customizing the design and get your law logo design free download.

Blue is a popular color in this field and conveys professionalism and security. Pair it up with a neutral color like white or black for a memorable and attractive law brand design. If you are looking to create a unique and striking contrast, you can add a pop of color with orange or purple.

It is best to stick to colors that represent positive traits such as trustworthiness, authority, reliability and safety as the main or primary choice. Make any changes to the template for law logos free and create a design that represents your business in the best way possible.

Attorney law color palette design

Minimalist Law Office Logo

The layout plays an important role in the placement of your law office logo design. You want to make sure that all the elements are clearly visible and the text is legible in any size or setting. Choose a template for your law logo free which draws focus to the legal icons, wordmark or alphabets immediately.

It is a good idea to go with a minimalist layout so that people can easily recognize the elements in print or across digital mediums like the website, banner ad or social media pages. Look for a style in our logo creator with ample space between the alignment of the text and imagery or shapes. You can also pick a layout that has the icon or symbol stacked above the wordmark.

You can make as many adjustments as you want with our law firm logo maker before downloading the design for use. Go with a layout that keeps attention on the message you want to send to potential clients.

Get started with your law firm logo design online free and create one in minutes.

Law Firm Image

Design Your Free Law Logo Here!